Jack Hindon Verkenners

Jack Hindon Verkenners

Who are we?

The Jack Hindon Scouts is a London posting of the Verkennersbeweging van Suid-Afrika, who supports and calls for Boere-Afrikaner self-determination.

We hold the opinion that the current constitutional order in South Africa is destined to fail. It basically enables and ensures the inept ANC to govern South Africa ad infinitum, whose populist and racist National Democratic Revolution policies are not only economically unsustainable, but also inciting and fuelling racial hatred, especially against minorities who celebrate their distinct cultural identity and heritage.

The Jack Hindon Scouts subsequently maintain that the only solution for a durable peace in South Africa would be for government to back down on its efforts of social engineering (via draconian discriminatory policies like Black Economic Empowerment, Affirmative Action and Land Reform) a so-called egalitarian Rainbow society - which is only beneficial to top ANC cadres - and allow the Boer people to determine their own future in peaceful co-existence with all other ethnic groups in South Africa.

The Jack Hindon Scouts further rejects any notion of a "Rainbow Nation", not only because the ANC clearly doesn't believe in it either, but mainly because it is a pipe dream with no founding in reality.

One only needs to look at the United Kingdom and its devolution of power to the Northern Irish, Scottish and Welsh assemblies in Belfast, Edinburgh and Cardiff respectively to realise that engineering a common purpose and common identity for distinct and diverse ethnic groups is not as easy as coining a good catchphrase.

In South Africa we are well aware of the consequences of the actions of do-gooders who utilised government's powers of coercion and compulsion in order to engineer a society they deemed more acceptable. Now, how is it that we find ourselves today at the opposite side of the very same junction?

If government policies of FORCED segregation are evil, who decided that government policies of FORCED integration are good and the right way to go?

Surely a more Laissez-Faire approach of live and let live and "All peoples have the right to self-determination", in line with The United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, sounds much more digestible.

Apart from the odd protest, the Jack Hindon Scouts mainly focus on celebrating the Afrikaner culture also here in the United Kingdom. This includes arranging Cantus evenings and events commemorating historical Boer figures like Danie Theron, CR de Wet, Jopie Fourie, Koos de la Rey, etc. as well as Boer victories like the Battle of Majuba. We are also involved in arranging the annual Day of the Vow religious festival.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

"Vêrregse" foefie 'n slinkse wyse om die Boer van sy Vryheidspad te ontspoor

Volgens ‘n mediaberig op 7 Mei 2010, koppel die ANC se minister van polisie, Nathi Mthethwa, die sogenaamde “white supremacists”, wat glo bomme in die swart woonbuurtes wou plant om die Wêreld Sokkerbeker te ontwrig aan die Afrikaner se vryheidstrewe na ‘n onafhanklike republiek.  Die minister doen dit deur te verwys na hierdie sogenaamde “white supremacists” as aanhangers van die Volkstaatgedagte.

Mnr Ben Geldenhuys, President van die Verkenners, verklaar in reaksie hierop soos volg : “Hierdie metodiek herinner sterk aan die alombekende kommunistiese metodes waar ‘n revolusie binne ‘n revolusie geskep word om enige weerstand dood te smoor.  Daar word ook ernstig getwyfel aan die geloofwaardigheid van die media berig oor die sogenaamde “vêrregses” wat nou weer ‘bomme wil plant’. Die vaagheid van die berig dra tot die twyfel by.”

Mnr Geldenhuys se verder :”Die minister hoef nie so bedreig te voel oor die ontwaking van die Boere-Afrikaner en sy vryheidseis nie.  Hierdie ontwaking word juis aangehelp as gevolg van die minister en sy regering se onvermoë om wet en orde te handhaaf.“

Die Verkenners doen ‘n beroep op Afrikaners om nie afgeskrik te word deur sulke slinkse wyses om ons Volk van sy Vryheidspad te ontspoor nie.  Dit is juis nou die tyd om meer doelgerig betrokke te raak vir die bereiking van ons Volk se Vryheid!

Ben Geldenhuys


Verkenner Beweging van SA

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